Is it ready yet?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Today I tried all the liqueurs that I made and I have to say, even after a few days, they are improved :D The apple pie knocked me over with fresh-from-the-oven aroma as soon as I opened the jar. I added some lemon zest to brighten up the flavors a bit. Also, I strained the mint leaves from the Moroccan mint tea liqueur, and added two packets of matcha green tea powder. Eventually, I have to buy some proper canning jars for the large batches. Probably quart sized. The pomegranate is also yummy, with cardamom. Eventually, it and the mint will need a sugar syrup for finishing. Yipee!

Apple Pie Liqueur

Sunday, September 25, 2011

OK, so here we go. A little delay, but no bother. I've been wanted to make some homemade liqueur for a while now, and with the fall festivals and holidays coming, now is a good a time as any!

Apple Pie Liqueur #1

1/4 cup sugar
1 1/2 cups Trader Joe's Apple juice (filtered)
1 1/2 cups Trader Joe's MacIntosh apple juice
1/2 cinnamon stick
1 allspice
2 lemon zest strips (peel with a sharp peeler or knife)
8 oz Devil Springs Vodka 160 Proof

In a saucepan, mix the sugar with a bit of water. Cook without stirring until you get a good caramel color. Quickly add the apple juices (careful of steam and splattering) and bring to a boil. Put up in a quart canning jar, add the spices and let cool. Once cool, add vodka. Put lid on and taste every day until desired spice level. Remove spices. Whew! This baby packs a wollop! Gonna let it age for a while and see how it goes.

I also have started a Moroccan Mint Tea liqueur and a Spiced Pomegranate Cordial, which are also ageing happily away. Yum.

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